On 9/12/07, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
On 2007-September-12 , at 04:44 , Ted Gould wrote:
On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 10:20 +0200, jiho wrote:
It seems that "shortly" took me a little while in fact... So, I got Inkscape to compile and run almost fine using the native GTK version in MacPorts quite easily.
This is very cool. I noticed that the flicker had a bug in bugzilla with some recommendations on what to try. I can't seem to find it now though.
I think it has been fixed and so probably closed.
This bug covers it and is still open: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=467269
It is still UNCONFIRMED but the comments are encouraging as it is actively being looked at by several testers and a developer, and comments in the last couple of days suggest a fix has been found and is being tested, that makes Inkscape a lot more usable.
This bug was always one that stopped me (and I'd say many others) from doing any further real testing of Inkscape, and my quick efforts at tracking it down always went nowhere. I think once it is fixed there are likely to be a lot more problems uncovered now that it is actually semi-usable, but it is definitely a big step forwards.
My gut feeling is that the best we could hope for a .46 release is having an 'experimental' quartz release alongside the stable X11 release, mainly to spark people's interest.
Cheers Derek