Here is a draft for a
template proposal adapted to Inkscape Typographic Extension
used togheter with
SVG filters to alterate typefaces (some tastes of the
Cross-Smooth filter are included in the template and
accessible by the Filters Editor).
I apply one of the filters to the
charater visible in the window, then I fill the result with the
"Fill bounded areas" tool and Then I do
Extensions/Typography/Add Glyph Layer.
One of my problems is that I don't
know how I could precisely place the text origin to zero in this template. I did it
manually (and it gives good results
when opening the SVG font in FontForge) but I would do it more exactly. I don't figure how I could do it with the XML Editor.
Another problem is that the range of
unicode characters useable
to type into the "Add Glyph Layer" dialog box
isn't very wide (for example
accented characters doesn't work... and I use french language). Could it be
possible to fix that ?
But a funny facility in this dialog box is that you can type
a lot of characters at
one time in
this dialog box and then
it creates one layer by character !
Enjoy !