OK. I think I'm getting there. I could not duplicate my spectacular text crash of a few days ago. Everything is working well at the moment.
However, while looking at Unicode mode I have come across a problem. How do I enter these Unicode hex digits which have letters in them?
For example inputting numbers like 2022, 0161, 0026 in Inkscape is straightforward and gives the correct characters. But how do I input 002A, 20AC or 00DD etc? I know the answer must be simple but what is it?
Putting 002A in as a unicode number brings up the symble A since Inkscape reverts to text mode when I input the A. The correct character for 002A is an asterisk
A related question is on ANSI mode. Most of my text software will output a character map with character versus ANSI value. Can I put these ANSI values into Inkscape to get the correct characters? If so, How?
vellum win2k