On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 23:55:03 +0100, Alexander Gessler <alexander.gessler@...1761....240...> wrote:
see (dwarf model courtesy of psionic3d.co.uk) http://assimp.sourceforge.net/tmp/cairotest/sshot2.png http://assimp.sourceforge.net/tmp/cairotest/sshot1.png
As expected, drawing performance is *really* good, but running transformation & depth-sorting on the CPU is too lame.
Wow. Using cairo-gl for this is a fairly bizarre thing to do, I think.
The concept of cairo-gl is two-fold:
1. Allow for 2D applications to benefit from existing OpenGL acceleration
2. Allow for 3D application to mix-and-match with cairo-based rendering, (such as using cairo to render some 2D UI elements, or using cairo to create a texture, etc.). [*]
Using cairo-gl to render a software-produced projection of a 3D model isn't either of those things. And, while clearly possible, doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.
If you've got cairo-gl, then you've got OpenGL by definition and you might as well just draw your 3D geometry with that.
[*] Some pieces are still missing before this use case is complete.