On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
I'll try to export it (the "old" one) to PDF and flatten the transparencies with Acrobat Pro or Illustrator. I don't know if there are tools in Linux for this.
It's somewhat ironic that we need proprietary tools for that :)
I gave this a shot earlier with no luck. I tried several open approaches then finally gave in and opened it in AI CS3 but that mangled it pretty thoroughly as well.
Inkscape->print to file as pdf or ps = rasterized PS or mangled PDF Inkscape->save as PDF, pdf2ps = rasterized PS Import SVG to Openoffice Draw = mangled Import various formats to Scribus = mangled Open in AI CS3 (both Inkscape SVG and Inkscape PDF) = mangled
All of the 'mangled' results were at least partially vector, but in all cases there were problems with transparency and/or shadows.
I also tried printing to file from a handful of other programs in Ubuntu, as well as to a ghostscript PDF printer in XP from a few programs. Out of Inkscape, Firefox and Chrome, only Chrome appears to have sent vector information but even in that case it came out pretty borked ;)
I also tried an online svg->pdf converter a la batik, but it just gave me back a blank page.
I meant to send this earlier, but my notes were spotty and I was called on to do some "real work" ;)