NB: sorry for double posting I sent previous mail by error.
wow, I didn't imagine that this post will lead to so much discussion! so:
SNAPPING SENSITIVITY: On 5 janv. 06, at 04:46, bulia byak wrote:
On 1/4/06, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
OK, I thought that bulias question about keeping absolute units was about keeping cm/mm/... I'll juste test when this is finished, but not having cm for me who uses inkscape mostly for printed work might be annoying.
Do you understand the difference between grid spacing and snap sensitivity?
I probably didn't and that was the problem ;-) My issue was about precision in snapping but in fact, playing with it more yesterday evening I remarked that setting the snapping to a very large number of screen pixels will only let me put nodes on grid points, which is exactly what I want for a precise work. My point with absolute units was that if you set your grid to 1cm and your snapping distance to
1cm the behavior above is guaranteed in a quite intuitive way and
whatever the zoom factor and that was how I used the snapping before. As Bryce noted, one has to actually use the feature on some real work to fully appreciate if he needs absolute units or not. I personally will be happy enough with only screen pixels and was only confused by the difference between screen pixels and px units which I didn't understand. One additional remark though. My confusion probably came from the fact that pixels where mentioned in the two snapping modes. In fact, the screen pixels do not have to be explicitly mentioned IMHO. It is just an "arbitrary" measure of snapping sensitivity and I do not think that the user really needs to know to how many screen pixels this is set. So I would second the suggestion to have "snap distance" renamed to something like "snap sensitivity" and suggest also that the scroll buttons go from 1 to 100 or 1 to 10 or something that does not mention screen pixels directly but underscores the fact that this is just a "measure" of sensitivity and that if you set it high, it will snap more.
From: bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...>
I have the tooltips. I still don't fully understand what px units are. I understand _how_ it works because it is explained but I still don't know what it means if I set it to 1.0, 2.0 or 90.0.
Simple. 1px = 0.8pt, so 1cm = 35.433px.
Previously, if my grid was every 1cm and that I set snapping distance to 1cm I knew thaht anything I draw will exactly snap to grid. what about now?
Se it to 35.433px.
OK now I understand. So px units are just what was previously called pixels :-) If absolute distances are to be kept I'll be with Joshua Andler for the complete set of absolute distances to be restored. Indeed I don't think that the user should have to calculate the equivalent of the distance he wants in pixels (i.e. what you did above). But once again, only one arbitrary measure of sensitivity will be ok for me as long as setting it to the maximum sets it to a sufficient number of screen pixels so that it always snap.
SNAPPING BUG: Begin forwarded message:
From: bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> On 1/4/06, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
no. sorry if I explained it wrong. for snapping I'll probably be with bulia: snapping to grid should be enabled only when grid is on. the problem is that right now there is _always_ some snapping when the grid is on, even when nothing is checked in the grid snapping part. which is a bug in my opinion.
I cannot reproduce this (just tried).
probably a mac problem so. Fink (mac os x package manager) switched to gcc4 so some of my packages are build with gcc4, others with gcc3.3 and inkscape is build with gcc3.3 so I'll try to have everything complied with gcc4 and see what happens... but not soon I guess because recompiling everything will take some time.
However not that if you enable grid with # key, it turns on BOTH grid display and snapping to it (which makes sense). The dialog, if open, reflects both these changes immediately.
Yes that's nice but I only used the dialog.
From: "miriam clinton (iriXx)" <iriXx@...568...>
Its happening on last night's Windows build too - I ran a quick test and while the freehand line came out mostly free-looking, i felt a 'snap' at certain places as I drew, and some sections were angular. The strange thing is that it only seemed to be happening in certain places - is that at all possible? I did have a large grid, but the squiggle I drew took up half the page.
The problem appears everywhere for me. If you let everything by default snapping distance is 0.4 absolute px and grid is 1 px so there are chances that you do not see snapping everywhere. Try to only move the snapping to grid slider back and forth, it sets the distance to 1 px while not setting snapping on and you should see snapping everywhere afterwards.
DOCUMENT DIALOG: On 5 janv. 06, at 11:25, Ralf Stephan wrote:
Quoting Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...>:
I would like to reiterate my suggestion that metadata have a seperate dialog. ... The way things are going we really do have enough metadata information to put it in a single dialog.
I'd like to second this, for what it's worth.
The (minor) problem with this is that Metadata is a document property, and now that the dialog has that name, it belongs there.
I don't think it would be a problem if the menu item (suggest 'Document Metadata') was placed directly under 'Document Properties'. Objections?
I second this too, for what it's worth too :-) From a usability point of view it would be better IMHO: metadata is probably something you edit once for the document so the dialog can be large but the rest (page, grid, snap) might be changed often so the dialog has to be more compact in order to stay open at all time.
Thank you for all your work Ralf, I probably reacted a bit to soon because of the snapping bug which was preventing me to get some urgent work done. The rework of the dialog is great and will probably improve again if you implement a separate metadata dialog. I feel bad sending all these comments and not doing any real thing to improve it. I just hope it's not too "displaced" (I don't know if it is the correct word in english). Thanks a million anyway.