On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 12:54:45AM +0100, Andre Twupack wrote:
Hi Inkscapers!
My name is Andr? Twupack and I have been using Inkscape for two years now. I have used it mainly as a utility to create/edit SVG-based circuit diagrams to test a Batik-based software I have developed. From my working background I'm a Java developer with in-depth knowledge about XML/SVG and I'm also having some experience in C/C++ although not on a professional level.
During the last two years I have provided a few minor patches but now I would like to become more involved in the development of Inkscape. Therefore I'm posting here to find one of the members of the development team who needs some help or can assign me a task.
As I'm especially interested in GUI design/development, I could perhaps help with the migration of Inkscape to gtkmm. Maybe one of the developers already working on this could contact me with some information about what still needs to be done and how I can help.
If you're interested, we're going to need much help between now and the release in polishing up UI and repairing any remaining high priority bugs in the UI code.