JiHO wrote :
PS: for testing purposes the new document preferences pannel is in the last two dev builds for mac os X (24 december and 4 january).
First, this is work in progress, and you might not have the recent version. I keep changing things daily. The best way to stay up-to-date if you must is by compiling yourself.
I recently tested the new document properties pannel on mac os X. I think I am a bit late for that but I liked better the first one (with frames) because it was more compact even if it was not HIG compliant.
This is not so under Linux where it's smaller, mainly due to License having its own page.
Would it be possible to have the metadata tab scrollable and the others more compact so that the dialog is smaller.
I'm surprised that there is such a problem when, in fact, the size of the dialog under Linux was reduced. There must be widgets under OSX that are not implemented 1:1.
Ideally, we would be HIG and <insert the OSX/Aqua equivalent> compliant. This is the real world, however.
Another problem is with snapping and the freehand and bezier tools: snapping to grid seems to be always on for these tools as long as the grid is displayed and whatever the status of snapping is in the Document Properties pannel (even before the it is changed). Is
Do you mean you want 'snapping to invisible grid'? I'm for it. I remember, though, this is contrary to Bulia's opinion.
Finally, the current distinction between "screen pixels" and "px units" is not really clear to me. what are px units? 1 px unit = 1 grid unit? may be it could be explained a bit better if it is to be kept.
Maybe you didn't see the recent version with tooltips on the radio buttons? If the issue can be explained better then please someone substitute the text. It's not really difficult. Just search for the string _rrb_pix in ui/dialog/document-properties.cpp
Thanks for the feedback. ralf