On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:44:55 +1000 Mark T <MarkT@...2210...> wrote:
The scrollbars appear when using various combination's of window X.Y as measurements. To scale the page on a window basis use percentages such as: <svg height='100%' width='100%' ....
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the reply. I tested several measurements and found that the scrollbars appear when the measurements are less than the x/y sizes in the svg image. In fact, the size must be specified a couple of pixels larger. I found a confirmation of this on the 'net (don't really remember where). I'll try the %-method, though if the image isn't useable as a link, it would not work for me anyway.
When embedding the svg, though, the results my be different. How are you embedding?
I tried:
<embed src="img_name" width="48" height="48" type="image/svg+xml">
<object data="img_name" width="48" height="48" type="image/svg+xml">
<img src="img_name" width="48" height="48">
The last one surprised me a little, but it is mentioned in the W3C recommendation for SVG. The first two showed the image correctly, but it wasn't sensitive to clicks (the link _did_ appear on the FF status bar). Possibly click events are 'absorbed' by the svg image.
An alternative is to invert the embeddeness, so that html is a foreigObject in an svg page.
That would probably take a lot of (scripting) work. I'd rather exhaust other possibilies first.
Cheers, John