MenTaLguY wrote:
On Sat, 01 Mar 2008 17:54:00 -0200, Guillermo Espertino <gespertino@...400...> wrote:
So I don't think it's a big deal to opt for not releasing 0.46 due to its platform specific bugs. Windows users will keep using 0.45 or use devel compilations while they wait.
Agreed, though I want to emphasize that even if we don't have an 0.46 for Windows, we can have e.g. an 0.46.1 for it.
If a fix for printing on win32 for 0.46 (or 0.46.1) seems unfeasible, we can revert the print dialog for win32 in the branch. Honestly, if no one has the time nor ability to fix it for 0.46, please let us know now so the work on this can be started. It's not ideal, but it can hopefully get this "resolved" for this release. (as usual, patches welcome)
If 0.46 is ready for Linux or other platform, then release it. A new stable version, at least in this platform will keep dragging attention and will show the project's health.
Again, strongly agreed. Though we're not entirely ready on Linux either yet.
It seems that we're much closer on the Linux side though... is there anything in particular (other than bugs in launchpad) which you're concerned about? (just because we need to be aware of all concerns)