I am using Windows ME to try to load INKSCAPE 0.43-2 after installation - but it crashes. All that I get instead are the following error messages back to back:
PANGO ERROR**:file shape.c:line 75 (pango_shape): assertion failed:(glyphs-> num_glyphs > 0) aborting...
"Then after that I get":
PANGO ERROR**:file shape.c:line 75 (pango_shape): assertion failed: (glyphs-> num_glyphs > 0) aborting...
Pango warning (recursed)**:Couldn't load font "MS Sans Serif 8" falling back to Sans 8" aborting...
I am attatching screenshots of these errors as they appear on my screen. WHAT IS CAUSING THIS AND HOW CAN I MAKE IT STOP? - IS THERE A CORRECTIVE PATCH OR SOMETHING?
I can't even get INKSCAPE to load - PLEASE HELP ME!
Thank You - oddball_arty_guy@...36...
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