bulia byak schrieb:
On 10/30/07, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
P.S. Unrelated, is the 3d box tool not going to be activated for the next release?
I really hope so! Max, what is your status?
I'll definitely see to making this happen. I need to apologize to all people who are waiting for it to be activated. As mentioned a couple of times before, I'm currently studying for my finals (the first out of four examinations is due next week), which leaves me very little time to work on it. I wish it were otherwise.
As for the current state, I'd say I'm about halfway through the restructuring process that is needed to put the tool on a robust basis for closing some nasty bugs (most notably those in the tracker) and make it ready for further refinement and expansion. It's hard to say how long it will take to complete this step. Maybe only a week or two when I have sufficient time again (which may already be the case next week), although I prefer not to make any promises. :( But I certainly don't want it to miss this release. Not if I can prevent it (which I can, I suppose :)).