SIGGRAPH BOF confirmed to my gmail account, arg! JC (not Jesus Christ, but JonCruz) are going to run a Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting at SIGGRAPH on MON AUG 9. I'm pulling together notes and PR for this this weekend. FYI. I have a link for free passes to anyone in the LA area for this. Bryce and Co, are you going to have an Inkscape BOF at OSCON2004 in Portland?
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: jon phillips <phillipsjd@...400...> To: jon@...235... Subject: Fwd: BOF: Inkscape: An Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Editor Overvi ew Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:34:26 -0700
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Villalba, Marisa <mvillalba@...481...> Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 12:03:20 -0500 Subject: BOF: Inkscape: An Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Editor Overvi ew To: "phillipsjd@...400..." <phillipsjd@...400...> Cc: "Villalba, Marisa" <mvillalba@...481...>, "Milgram, Alison" <amilgram@...481...>, "sandramachuca@...127..." <sandramachuca@...127...>, "GERRAW@...482..." <gerraw@...483...>
Hi Jon
Below if you official email confirmation for your BOF to be held at the Holiday Inn City Center. Your contact at the hotel is Sandra Machuca and I have copied her on this email. Please work directly with her on any food/beverage or AV you would like to order for your meeting. Also I did not indicate the room set you required since on BOF meeting request form you listed several setups you were fine with. Please let Sandra know which setup you would like. Also you have missed the deadline to have your BOF listed in the Program and Buyer's guide and kiosk but I will get your BOF added to the website today.
Thanks Marisa
27 July 2004
Dear Jon
Thank you for your interest in participating in SIGGRAPH 2004. We are excited to be back in the city of Los Angeles and look forward to another successful event. This is the official confirmation letter for the assignment of space for your meeting.
Please review the information below carefully:
Group Name: Inkscape: An Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Editor Overview Organization: Inkscape Contact: Jon Phillips
Address: PO Box 948667 La Jolla CA 92037 United States, CA
Telephone: 858-361-2811 Fax: not entered Email: phillipsjd@...400...
Location: Holiday Inn City Center Room: Santa Monica Reservation Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm
Meeting Time: 4pm-5pm
Date : Monday, 9 August
Room Setup: TBD Attendance: 20
Hotel Contact: Sandra Machuca Phone: 213-743-7621 x6617
Please instruct the contact(s) listed above regarding room setup, food/beverage and any other special requirements you may have. Please be aware that the group is responsible for all charges related to this function.
If you require audio visual services, we would like to recommend AVW, the official audio visual vendor of SIGGRAPH 2004. You may contact Wylie Gerrard via email at GERRAW@...484...
Any changes of date or time and all cancellations MUST be made in writing NO LATER THAN 19 July 2004 to my attention at the address below or via e-mail. SIGGRAPH 2004 reserves the right to reassign meeting space as necessary.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you at SIGGRAPH 2004!
Sincerely, Marisa Villalba SIGGRAPH Conference Management Fax +1.312.673.6980 mvillalba@...481...