Running it:
There's lot of debug output. Can you switch it off before compiling? Is there a single place to turn it off?
Kerning by Alt+arrows does not work (though letterspacing by Alt+>< works). Old files with kerning don't work too. Hmm, in share/examples/text-on-path.svg, old kerning is seen (maybe because it's text on path?) but in the attached file it's not.
Same for linespacing (Ctrl+Alt+><), and old files with linespacing (e.g. tutorials) lost it too.
share/examples/flowsample works (without justification) but flow-go.svg is broken (missing text)
Ad for the good news, this bug is fixed:
However in RTL text, cursor movement is still logical, not visual, as explained in 3. here:
I could not test 1. and 2. because I cannot type RTL chars, but I guess the situation there is mostly the same. Do you think you can address that?
I haven't looked much into code yet but from what I saw, it's well documented and seems much more understandable than the old one. Overall, a huge achievement, thanks a lot!