On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 18:55, Craig Bradney wrote:
Is there a way to allow for various values (f,ff,100%,255), or is this just in the application that reads the file?
There's nothing intrinsic in XML that makes you pick any specific form.
However, as far as designing a colorset standard goes, I think it's important to pick a small number of representations and disallow any others. Otherwise writing mutually compatible implementations (especially if a goal is for easily making it processable by trivial scripts) gets too involved.
IMO, I'd probably vote for just percentages and scalars in the 0-255 range. Decimals should be allowed.
Jon did bring up another important point too, of course. Particularly for CYMK, it's not just going to be a matter of the color "coordinate system", but the color space from the device profile as well.
So, maybe for non-device-neutral color specifications, have a device="" specification as well?
<rgb:color device="sRGB" red="80" green="150" blue="12" />
Those could be stacked to provide alternatives for different devices.
Or maybe devices should also be identified by URIs?
This is really starting to sound like a job for RDF...
(or maybe all I have is a hammer ^^;)