11 Dec
11 Dec
2:25 a.m.
On 2015-12-11 02:27 (+0100), Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz wrote:
I just commit a fix, I hope is not a problem is a short diff.
r14525 still crashes when loading a file with a guide from the command line (same steps).
New backtrace: https://gist.github.com/su-v/5bf662f1c47ea572be45
Regards, V
El jue, 10-12-2015 a las 15:07 -0500, Martin Owens escribió:
On Thu, 2015-12-10 at 17:13 +0100, su_v wrote:
Opening a document (Inkscape SVG file) with guides defined directly (e.g. via command line argument) crashes (rev >= 14523).
Steps to reproduce:
- launch trunk
- draw a guide from the ruler
- save drawing, quit
- relaunch inkscape with just saved file
--> crash
Backtrace: https://gist.github.com/su-v/95d614d0c9e74cf52c64
It's because SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP is NULL at the time the SPKnot is created.
Does anyone have any ideas how to attack this issue?