On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 21:26 -0600, staff-gmail wrote:
All those thinking of going to SCALE - it would be great to have a paper submitted, but if no one is up for that, we should plan on at least a BOF on all the new cool features that will be in .46 that should be out by then. At any rate we should coordinate and then let Gareth know.
I've submitted to Gareth an application for a booth again this year. I would like to submit a paper on something, I'm not sure what yet though.
I'm trying to convince Jon Cruz to submit one on color. And Josh to submit a tutorial on Fine Art in Inkscape. We'll see if I can get them to do it (a little public peer pressure should help ;)
Are you planning on submitting one also? Would you like to run a BOF?