2 Apr
2 Apr
11:21 a.m.
I would like that some underused possibilities of svg:text to be exposed/implemented in textobject tool (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/text.html) 1) charwidth, to make user able to change the width of gliphs 2) letterspacing and wordspacing 3) higher and lower indexes by means of offsets 4) text-decoration: uderline, line-through 5) text-aligh by textwidth and 6) facilitate users with TeX-formulas input (Abiword guys already have this)
What do you think about it? May be my conception of vector drawing tool is too perverse/freaky.
PS *whisper* does this desevre to become a GSoC proposal?
-- Best regards, Anton Litvinov Yugra State University