AFIAR Freehand is using Ctrl-C for clone and Ctrl-D for duplicate.
Ctrl+C does not Copy?! They likely have not read HIG :)
Yes, that is very great. I was very disappointed when I found out that the only difference between Clone and Duplicate in Freehand is that Duplicate moves the duplicated object a bit and Clone does not (or vice versa).
The same was in Corel Draw. IMHO the "duplicate with a shift" is an example of an utterly redundant, "dumbed down" operation - I hope no one will ever come up with a suggestion to implement it in Inkscape :)
BTW Is there a key for making a clone while moving an object (duplicate works with space)?
Not yet, but I thought about enabling space to leave clones, not duplicates. First, this will reduce the file size, and second, clones will be moved in sync with the original, and therefore the chain of clones will behave almost like a stroke. This is not easy to implement, thoough, because currently clones may behave in a rather counterintuitive (although perfectly standard-compliant) ways when the clone is scaled/rotated and the original is then moved, or when both original and clone are selected and moved together. I will try to program special treatment for these situations so they behave more intuitively.
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