Hi Tav,

thanks for looking into this!

One question to get on the same page:
This is about sliders like "Blur" and "Opacity" (which are re-used in some other places, too), right? However the actual color sliders in the Fill and Stroke dialog are not affected?

Some thoughts from my side:

TLDR: I kind of like the spin sliders like they are now for "Blur"/"Opacity" (and could do without the bottom part sliding), however they waste too much space to be useful in toolbars right now.

Best Regards,

Am 04.12.2017 um 13:42 schrieb Tavmjong Bah:

I've been looking into replacing the Gimp Spin Slider widget (e.g
Blur/Opacity in the Fill and Stroke dialog). The widget is licensed
under GPLv3 and is the only reason Inkscape as a whole is licensed
under GPLv3 rather GPLv2.. The board sometime ago agree that being a
GPLv2 program was desirable (I don't remember the exact reasoning).

A normal Gtk Spin Slider (aka Gtk::SpinButton) has an option to show
the "progress" of slider, that is the percentage (defined in some
arbitrary way) between a minimum and maximum value. This in Gtk 2 is
shown as a solid blue bar with width proportional to the value that
covers the widget from top to bottom. In Gtk 3 the solid blue bar is
replaced by a thin blue bar at the bottom of the widget.

As far as I can tell, the Gimp version of the slider makes three

1. It allows for a label inside the widget. This is a nice space saving
feature. The widget handles changing the label text from black to white
as the progress bar moves across the label.

2. It allows for a non-uniform scale by adding a "gamma" factor.

3. It adds the ability to drag the progress bar to change the value. If
one drags from the top (down arrow cursor) the change follows the
cursor directly. If one drags along the bottom half (double headed
cursor) the change is finer and relative to the current value.

I've always found that dragging the progress bar to be a bit awkward.
One problem is that one can not start the drag at the far right of the
widget as that area is reserved for typing a value directly in. Also,
the different functionality of starting the drag in the top of the
widget vs. the bottom of the widget is confusing.

Since I am rewriting this widget, I can adjust it to what people want:

* Do you want the progress bar?

* If so, should it be the full height of the widget (quite a bit more

* Do you want to be able to drag the bar? With one/two methods?

* Any other changes?



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