• 40 cent or € 40? At least 200 cent or 200 €? What is it? Better use 0.40 €.
Yes we had a long discussion on how to present this internationally. We assumed that the wording cent should be clear as everyone knows it without the "," vs "." problem/difference in diverse countries. 
  • You claim to be from Vienna University. Why is there nowhere an affiliation on the survey / libelektra.org page? Why is there no contact information of you? Why do you use a gmail account and not your university account?
I am not using my university mail in general because it is a temporary mail. It will be disabled once i am done studying. This mail is used everywhere else, when i make commits etc.
Here you can see the affiliation between elektra and the vienna university of technology: http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/cgi-bin/uncgi.cgi/prak_dipl1.cgi?kw=Linux&Betreuerinversion=yes&type=prak
  • Surveys should *always* be anonymous. If this is a requirement by your sponsor say so, and in that case I hope this identifying data is not stored alongside the answers to the survey. Otherwise it's very unprofessional.
It is clearly stated that the email address is needed for the sponsoring part and i assume that it should be clear to you that this is mainly done to prevent abusement.