Thanks for the clarification, I signed up there as well.
After browsing through the different build jobs I see that they are run in order so only one or two are initiated by SCM update...and if it is successfull it will start some other jobs. Do we have a wiki page where the thoughtprocess and structure of this is documented?
I've found the jenkins set up process on the wiki but no details on the "job structure". What is the goal of each job? (for those familiar with CI it's pretty clear from the name of it but for new developers it could be helpful). -- Christoffer Holmstedt
2015-01-31 8:18 GMT+01:00 Johan Engelen <jbc.engelen@...2592...>:
I'm sorry for the potential confusion in my email: I meant to say, please sign up for inkscape-tester@...233... You can also register yourself for, but that is only needed when you want to help maintain and improve the Jenkins setup.
cheers, Johan
----- Reply message ----- From: "Christoffer Holmstedt" <christoffer.holmstedt@...400...> To: "Inkscape Devel List", Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Jenkins Date: Sat, Jan 31, 2015 06:13
Thanks for the information about that tester mailing list, I've signed up. I'm interested in testing and verification so this could perhaps be a good way into the core of inkscape source code. -- Christoffer Holmstedt
2015-01-30 23:44 GMT+01:00 Johan Engelen <jbc.engelen@...2592...>:
Hi all, Our "continuous integration" system, Jenkins, is up and running. It does automated builds, checks for bugs, runs the unittests, generates documentation with doxygen and will publish it online, and in future will also run rendertests. Currently it does those things for Inkscape trunk and 0.91.x branches; and also runs some jobs for lib2geom trunk. If some job fails (i.e. build is broken, a test no longer passes, or clang scanbuild discovers a new potential bug), Jenkins will send a notification email to the inkscape-tester SF maillist. If you are an active developer, please sign up for that maillist if you have not already.
You do not need to sign up, unless you want to help maintaining and improving the system. All help is welcome. If you want to help, sign up, and let us know so we can give you more rights. Currently, only I and Martin Owens have full access. That is definitely not enough, so let yourself be known if you are interested!
Have a look here:
cheers, Johan
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