Dear Sir,
This is Sanjiban Sengupta,
sophomore in Computer Engineering from IIIT Bhubaneswar, India, would
like to contribute to Inkscape for GSoC'20, I have practical and working
knowledge of C, C++, Python and Java, for web, I am familiar with HTML,
CSS, JS, Bootstrap and frameworks such as ReactJS and NodeJS, also i am
acquainted with concepts of ML and AI, Linux Kernel and know the technicalities to
apply these to solve modern real life problems.
going through the project proposals, I found the projects Better CSS
Style Sheet Support, Slice items, Refactoring SVG 2 Support with SVG
1.1 Fallback or Polyfills, Text and Image Support to Live Path Effect
System,Path Library Improvements interesting
to work upon and
contribute and thus will be thankful for your kind guidance.
Thus I request the mentors to kindly guide me for the beginning processes.