5 Jul
5 Jul
8:01 a.m.
On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Jon Phillips wrote:
Also, could you add this URL for Mac users to download X11: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/x11formacosx.html
I've had several people try it out and this is a common question: What is X11? Users can install it from their Mac OS X install disks, or download this version, and install.
Ok, better yet, if the launcher can't start X11 the alert dialog now states that it is freely downloadable from Apple's website and it has a button labelled "Get Apple's X11" that launches the default browser and loads the download page you mentioned above. See screenshot: http://desert.csse.monash.edu.au/~mwybrow/inkscape-x11.jpg
I won't bother redoing 0.42pre0, but this will be in pre1.
Cheers, Michael