Quoting Peter Moulder <Peter.Moulder@...38...>:
This bug affects 0.41 and 0.42.x, but not 0.40 or current CVS.
I've made a patch and have applied it to RELEASE_0_41_BRANCH and RELEASE_0_42_BRANCH, but haven't tested it (due to lack of hard disk space... must get a new hard drive some day). Can someone else test?
What distributions have shipped inkscape 0.41 or 0.42.x ? Debian, gentoo, winlibre, SuSE/Novell (?); any others?
What's the right procedure for organizing a coordinated release of the fix?
Well, since 0.42 is affected, we'd better go ahead and do a proper 0.42.3 release. I guess 0.41.1 wouldn't hurt either, for the distros.
In this case we mostly just need to roll the version number in the relevent files (as described in CreatingDists), and tag the new release. Then we kick the normal packaging machinery into gear.
I'll take responsibility for preparing and tagging 0.42.3 and 0.41.1 if you like, since I've been doing that kind of thing recently anyway.