19 Jan
19 Jan
10:04 p.m.
2011/1/19 PolinaYanovich <polina.yanovich@...400...>:
It's the trunk version lp:inkscape, sorry about that. I got it on Monday, Jan 17 if it helps.
Please double-check this. My checkout of the trunk (up to date as of January 19) has this at line 752 in eraser-context.cpp: Geom::Rect bounds = (*eraserBbox) * desktop->doc2dt();
I'm using btool 2> log.txt to compile (following the instructions on http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Win32Port). Would you like me to send you the whole log.txt?
This could be helpful, please send it. Also verify that you have the devlibs from Launchpad, not the old ones from Modevia.
Regards, Krzysztof