On 27/7/09 00:26, Michael Wybrow wrote:
On 27/07/2009, at 1:42 AM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
First is to see which versions of boost are available on which distros/OSs. Thankfully the win32 front is fairly up to date, but there are a few distros that delay updating things.
FWIW, the latest boost (1.39) is available on Mac OS X.
I installed boost via MacPorts 'port install boost' as recommended on http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CompilingMacOsX, without considering any variants or reading the documentation on its homepage. The compilation took a really long time even compared to building inkscape itself and the installed libs have an overall size of 95 MB. Are _all_ of these libraries required to build inkscape?
| LeWitt:mp suv$ port installed |grep boost | boost @1.39.0_2 (active) | boost-jam @3.1.17_0 (active) | LeWitt:mp suv$ ls -1 lib/libboost* | wc -l | 43 | LeWitt:mp suv$ du -sch lib/libboost* <snip> | 95M total | LeWitt:mp suv$