'+' is a shift-key for a minority of our users.
Do you have any statistics to back this up?
Whereas I so have some statistics in my favor. On a default install of Mandrake 9.2, grep /etc/X11/xkb/symbols for layouts containing "[ equal, plus" and those containing "[ plus". You will find 61 layouts where plus is in the shifted position and 52 of those where it's non-shifted. So the majority of layouts seems to be on my side, probably that speaks something about the majority of users too.
Besides, don't you think that appealing to the majority is irrelevant here? I'm not asking you to break anything for the "majority" in order to make things better for "minority". I'm just asking to _add_ something that your "majority" won't even notice. As far as I can see, "=" is not used anywhere else in Gimp. Why not make it _another_ shortcut for zoom-in?
And finally, you did not give any reasons for not making KP_plus and KP_minus shortcuts for zoom as well. For that, you have no excuses whatsoever :)
You are looking at this with a very US-centric view.
I've never been to US. I lived most of my life in Russia and now live in Canada.
But it is tedious to repeat these discussions that we all had on bugzilla and on the gimp-developer list already. I am not going to argue about The GIMP user interface in private emails. This should be done on the mailing list.
No problem. I will bring it up on the Gimp list after we release 0.36 and collect more usability data and feedback on the new dialogs behavior.