Hello Tav,
Thursday, September 11, 2014, 2:58:48 PM, you wrote:
Absolute units should not be used inside an SVG file with one exception:
The 'root' width and height may have units, which with a proper 'viewBox' determines an appropriate scale for a drawing. (This sets the 'real' world value of the SVG 'user unit.) This reflect the opinion of the majority of the SVG working group.
It should be noted that the relative units 'em', 'ex', and '%' can be useful in some cases.
Yay, excellent summary. Full agreement.
Inkscape should not write out absolute units other than in the root SVG element. Inkscape must, however, be able to interpret units from non-Inkscape produced files according to the CSS defined value of 96 pixels (initial user-units) per inch.
The use of units in the Inkscape GUI is for ease of authoring only. The actual values should be stored as 'user-units'.
This would be awesome.