I am interested in the Guidelines features proposed in the SOC 2008 ideas (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/SpecGuidesImprovement) and I would like to discuss some aspects before submitting my proposal (if this is ok).
I guess this feature fits in the category of projects that doesn't mess much with the base code, since it uses already existing features.
Moreover, I tried to find info about the guidelines: * From a quick search I did I saw that thre is no "guide line" element in SVG 1.1 . * I saw that in svg files the guides are defined as sodipodi:guide element. So, guidelines are Inkscape specific.
* Guidelines are defined in src/sp-guide.cpp . SPGuide handles the svg file info. (Does this mean reading and writing from the file and modifying the svg abstraction?) * The rendering of the guidelines is handled in src/display/guideline.cpp . SPGuideLine holds the guideline info The the sp_guideline_* functions are responsible to deliver to the renderer the correct into? (not sure about this last one). * SnapManager manages the snapping. However, I haven't figured out if snapping and guidelines are directly connected. (However. this isn't relevant with the UI feature)
This is an early search and I am just getting in touch with Inkscape internal. So, if I get something wrong or if you have any hints and directions they are welcome. (I've seen the dev docs you have on the wiki)
As far as the feature specification is concerned, I would like to ask about the Design -> On-canvas editing section. The first 3 actions are already implemented. The last 2 were not implemented for a reason or you simply didn't have the time?
Regards Vangelis Katsikaros __________________________________________________ ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå Yahoo!; ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíýìáôá (spam); Ôï Yahoo! Mail äéáèÝôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí ìçíõìÜôùí http://mail.yahoo.gr