On Thu, 2007-06-28 at 14:42 -0500, Christopher Brown wrote:
I'm trying to find out if I can affect embedded images without writing temporary files by using ImageMagick's blobs, so I'm implementing IM in Inkscape via MagickCore. The problem is that after I affect an Image, sometimes Inkscape doesn't update the image to reflect the change (since I don't change the filename), until I save it, or copy the image, or do something to it.
I think that you need to emit the contentChanged signal from the node. But, I can't seem to figure out how this is supposed to be done. I'm CC'ing the -devel list to see if someone can help you there.
I'd run the update sp_item on every item in the selection, but that method wants a SPCtx pointer, and I have no idea where to get that. Is there an easier way to update the sp_image or can you tell me how to get the SPCtx pointer?
I think that you're going to have to keep things at the repr/xml level because I don't think that we currently have a way to take the data modified in the SP_ level and reencode it back into a PNG for the repr level. So, it'll be better to have IM build the PNG and place it on the XML node as data. Then Inkscape can pull it into the renderer. Not as efficient, but it should work without having to implement some crazy PNG stuff.
(again, the people on -devel may correct me :) )