Good idea!
I think it would be fair to tribute all the developpers who did a very hard and fastidious work in the refactor, by setting the theme of the splash screen to "refactoring".
They burnt a huge amount of energy in this, and stayed completely off the scene! refactor/cleanup is less rewarding than developping a brillant new feature, but is certainly more crucial for the long run.

So +1 vote for a refactor theme.


2009/4/23 <J.B.C.Engelen@...1578...>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexandre Prokoudine [mailto:alexandre.prokoudine@...400...]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 12:28
> To: Inkscape Devel List
> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] 0.47 splash contest?
> What particular new features would we want to have being demoed?

The roadmap says: "Milestone 13 - Inkscape 0.47 - Refactoring / Cleanup"
So maybe we can try to have a "refactoring" themed about screen?

I've had the following idea for a long time, and probably I won't be
able to draw it myself :-(  :
 A technical drawing of the Inkscape logo, showing gears and sprockets
and whatnot inside. So a semi-transparent Inkscape logo showing the
inside of Inkscape. Drawn on a piece of square line paper (with a pencil
drawing the logo?).


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