On 8/26/06, John Bintz <jcoswell@...1414...> wrote:
Hope I'm not adding any fuel to the fire here, but I've been working with an alternate set of key bindings for the past month that I've built specifically for my illustration work. The bindings are based on a concept (not the layout) from the animation software Toon Boom Studio. The idea is that the left hand never leaves the keyboard and the right hand never leaves the stylus. From my own experience, it's quite a lot faster to draw this way. :) I just committed the bindings for this, so feel free to try it out if you're into doing drawing or illustration work with a tablet.
That's excellent! Could you please add a note on this to http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ReleaseNotes045?
As for UI, I'm not against creating UI for selecting among supplied profiles. I even think it's something we really need, by now. But an UI for creating new profiles is perhaps a bit premature, though if someone wants to create it I will not object.
What we really need is documentation about each of the profiles, and this documentation should be automated. Here's a relatively self-contained task that someone proficient in XML/XSLT can take on: develop a conversion stylesheet that transforms the profile xml (e.g. share/keys/right-handed-illustration.xml) into the keyboard documentation xml (example is doc/keys.xml), so that each profile has its own SVG and HTML documentation sheets created automativally. Certainly keys.xml has much more information than the profile in share/keys, and this means you will need to extend the source schema for the share/keys profiles to store all this additional information (comments, etc) there. Volunteers welcome!