On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 10:24:57AM +0000, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 12/2/05, Ben Fowler <ben.the.mole@...400...> wrote:
On 12/1/05, Sasi <info@...1096...> wrote:
I like inkscape ...
It is not my call, but I suggest that: The inkscape project is always looking for high quality screenshots, examples and tutorials, and any examples of real world usage. There is a formal request on http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MakingScreenshots ...
I have made links from the Inkscape and HelpWanted wiki pages to MakingScreenshots .
I don't plan to do anything about it (and I may be wrong and/or tilting at windmills), but it seems to me that the Inkscape wiki page though it gives an admirable overview of the contents of the wiki is a little too messy and the HelpWanted page could do with some gardening, removal of un-needed or now no longer needed items and organising the remaining ones logically. Whilst I think that it is important to keep a range of operations open where help is requested (and welcomed), and to list them appropriately; because we do not know when the right person, with some time to devote to Inkscape will happen by; the idea of adding "Maintain the HelpWanted wiki page" struck me as too Dilbert-esque to add to it!
Yes, I think it would be worthwhile to go through the wiki and remove e.g. feature proposals that have been implemented, help/docs that are no longer in use, etc. Also there are probably a few pages which could be moved to the main website or into the codebase.
P.S. In e-mail to me, the O.P. suggested that he actually wanted to contribute to the main website (and I guess that I completley misinterpreted his web form submission). If memory severs there was a request for contributions earlier this year, is this still open?
Sure, we could use the help.