Am 23.10.2016 um 20:19 schrieb Olof Bjarnason:
Middle mouse button works in Repetier Host (3d Print software), and, as I said, in Inkscape 0.91 on same machine. Also Blender orbitting works with my mouse middle button.
I wasn't suggesting that you middle mouse button wasn't working but that it could have been assigned another function in Inkscape by you mouse driver (i.e. in Logitech SetPoint you can change the function of mouse buttons per application and since these settings are dependent on the path of the executable it might well change the behavior between two installations of Inkscape).
Is there any setting that controls middle mouse button behaviour that I am missing browsing through the settings, that perhaps has changed from 0.91?
You can try renaming the folder "C:\Users[your_username]\AppData\Roaming\inkscape". If it is a setting issue this should reveal it. (I just verified that panning with middle mouse button works on my machine with default settings).