On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 22:50:54 -0600, Daniel Díaz <mrchapp@...400...> wrote:
I, as a metric system user, know for sure what 12.7 mm is, so 127 mm would look suspicious at all matters.
This sounds more like you are not only a metric system user, but a metric system user who has to work predominantly in an imperial environment :) I never had any significant exposure to the imperial system, so for me 127mm rings no bell at all.
I certainly don't find myself comfortable working with inches, and am used to have margins (in word processors) of 2.54 cm and the like. It is indeed a general preference of mine, and wouldn't like it to be document-specific.
Please consider this:
- What we are discussing only applies to the exchange of SVG documents between users. For yourself, you can save your default template with mm and you'll never see anything else in your documents. Exchange of documents is a much less frequent situation than creating new documents.
- With the current system, if you get a document with inches, for you it's a matter of a couple clicks to switch it to mm. If however units are not stored in document, for those who need them stored (like myself, since I do need different units in different documents) there will be no easy workaround. So it's not a fair thing to compare mild inconvenience for you against a badly missed feature for me :)
A compromise that will work for everyone is to add "global units" selector to the Inkscape prefs, with a checkbox "override document units". If you really need this, please add it to the RFE tracker and I will implement it when I have time. However just removing units from document is not an option, for the reasons listed above.