Hi Martin,
I like your additions. Very few comments inline:
- Be patient - Allow other community members some time to read your
message, think about it some before responding. The volunteers in the community may also need to prioritise other activities before they can get back to you right away.
- This sounds to me as if 'patient' only refers to 'waiting for an answer', not to 'explain twice if necessary', 'don't freak out if someone doesn't understand right away', 'don't give up after trying only once'... I've got no idea how to phrase that other meaning of patience nicely, though.
* Step down considerately. If you leave or disengage from a responsible position within the Inkscape project, we ask that you do so in a way that minimises disruption to the project. Tell people you are leaving and take the proper steps to ensure that others can pick up where you left off.
(this part needs more, because stepping down from the board doesn't mean stepping away from the project, the ubuntu community coc has a part about this and I always thought it said more about "vacating a position so as to invite others to step up into the role")
- Can you explain what you mean here a bit? Basically, replace the last sentence with your last sentence? Or more?
There's quite a bit of duplication here, so a couple more drafts to pair down and get to the meat of what we want to say as well as refile the points. We should get an artist to make a graphic for each of the points once they're all well defined.
- Sounds nice :) Do you already have an idea who might want to do this or where to start looking for someone? (As the images are quite independent of the contents, I'd say we shouldn't delay publication, though, but add the pictures in when they are done)
Regards, Maren