Op vrijdag 2 december 2005 12:58, schreef Jasper van de Gronde:
I tried it on win32, it didn't quite work for me yet:
I had to remove the python dependency from the .inx file for the input plugin, probably because I don't have python in my path. It is perfectly able to run python scripts though, because the python installer has set it up so that they're run with python.
I will remove this. It works without. Thanks
When trying to open the example.zink it complains about a bad CRC for some file, but according to Winrar nothing is wrong:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "share\extensions\zink_input.py", line 108, in ?
File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 90, in affect
File "share\extensions\zink_input.py", line 83, in effect
File "share\extensions\zink_input.py", line 72, in unzip
result.write( z.read( f.filename ) )
File "C:\Python24\lib\zipfile.py", line 368, in read
raise BadZipfile, "Bad CRC-32 for file %s" % name
zipfile.BadZipfile: Bad CRC-32 for file logo.png
This seems to be a python bug on windows but I don't know for sure. I must investigate more on this. No solution for it yet.
When trying to save a zink file I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "share\extensions\zink_output.py", line 112, in ?
File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 90, in affect
File "share\extensions\zink_output.py", line 55, in effect
ctx_orig =
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'NSS'
As I expected, your inkex.py is to old. Replace it with the one from CVS or with the one you can download from http://facility.lingewoud.nl/hacks/inkscape_save_and_open_as_zink/
After this saving to zink works.