21 Sep
21 Sep
2:03 a.m.
Possibly one of the existing launchpad account admins would like to turn the role over to someone else. I will handle contacting them and see if an opening can be made for some fresh blood on the team.
Very quick python trawl for stats, if we want someone to ask, I'd ask bbyak and Jon. And maybe pro-actively ask one of the current top 6 to take a spot.
But that's just based on activity which might be faulty.
From Jul 2012 - Sep 2013, inkscape-devel mailing list
0 - bbyak (Brian) 3 - Bryce Harrington 7 - Jon A. Cruz 10 - Ted Gould 26 - ScislaC (Josh) 28 - JazzyNico
15 - tweenk ... 48 - jasper van de gronde 70 - jabiertxo arraiza cenoz 80 - arshdeep singh 101 - mathog 111 - alexandre prokoudine 139 - johan engelen