On 2012-03-04 14:45, Stefan de Konink wrote:
Thanks for your elaborative answer also in #cairo there was some real knowledge around on this subject. I do wonder something about your last statement. Where is the default kernel function defined? And would it be possible to have a 'fast' on screen approximation, and the option for a alternative kernel?
I do not think Cairo explicitly uses a kernel, it basically just determines how much of a pixel is covered by a shape (this corresponds to the "box" kernel). Adding support for other kernels would probably not be trivial. Also, as I mentioned before, the box kernel is actually quite a sensible choice for vector graphics, virtually all other kernels will lead to visible blurring and/or ringing artifacts. That is why I would first try to use gamma correction/linearRGB, as that is more about creating a more "correct" output, rather than making a trade-off between a smooth and a crisp result.