On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 16:10:13 +0100, Andreas Nilsson <nisses.mail@...563...> wrote:
But is the export dialog something that you have open all the time? I understand the need for small windows if it is something that you will have open most of the time, but is the export dialog really one of those? The drawbacks of small windows with little spacing is that they are
As Ted Gould pointed out in a thread a week ago (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=6269865&forum_id=...), "Export bitmap" was designed from ground up for constant interaction with a document. I thought it was meant to be a dialog before as well - basically, because a) I got used to any export windows as to a dialog, b) most, if not all Inkscape's dialogs have bo "Close" button, so you never know :)
And, actually, it's quite annoying to deal with large "temporary" windows. If you haven't looked at old gtk1 version of sweep (an audio editor by C. Parker), take a look at its dialogs and compare them to my mockups for them (four most recent entries at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=4854&atid=104854). You will most likley notice the difference ;)
As Alan pointed out to me when I was redesigning the upcoming Preferences dialog, one should use headers and space rather than frames to separate content as described here: http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/2.0/controls-frames.html
Thank you for reminding me it. I will prepare another couple of HIGified mockups later tonight.
Also, did you read the suggestion of bitmap preview in the export dialog? http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1064371&gro... (I belive this is planned for, but if it's not, just forget about it)
No, I haven't read it before. Nicu mentioned it today. Thank you for the precise link. I'm pretty sure that it's possible to implement easy hiding/showing this preview without leaving the palette.