J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
To me the guidelines project is a simple straightforward project (I guess perfect for GSoC, especially if one is new to Inkscape). There is no refactoring needed (perhaps we can switch to cairo rendering to get rid of the ugliness), only add some things to the 'item_handler' and add some widgets to the document properties. The grouping of guides requires adding functionality, but not 'refactoring' perse. Having this view of the project, I find it hard to generalize things without making them just more complex instead of simpler. I guess for generalization, the only thing needed is renaming SPGuideLine to SPCanvasLine; at the moment there is no reason to call it SPGuideLine, so we actually should rename it now. All required functionality is already there (like I said, rendering should be improved, it's just a simple line drawing algorithm I copied from internet as mentioned in the code comment). The magic of the guideline project lies not in the canvas item, but in the guideline specific canvas item handler "sp_dt_guide_event", and in the way SPNamedView handles its childs (for grouping of guidelines), and making it user friendly (!!). Having a some sort of general item handler for the canvasline (to use both for perspective lines and guides) seems difficult looking at the guide specific calls in that item handler.
In short: I think the guidelines project should not be combined with other projects, since (as far as I can see) the overlapping features are already present in Inkscape's code. The guidelines project deals with other things than having a line on canvas.
I'll read carefully what you have written above about the implementation details (and probe in the code) but I won't have the time until after this weekend :)
I would also like to ask if somebody has the time and is interested in mentoring this proposal.
Regards, Vangelis Katsikaros
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