10 Mar
10 Mar
1:02 p.m.
Tue, 10 Mar 2009 12:37:01 +0000 (GMT) Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> kirjoitti:
If I understand well the 256 height levels available cause the same kind of problem encountered with 3D displacement maps and which was solved by the use of 16 and 32 bits grey levels maps.
Are those 256 height levels maps a limitation of SVG ?
I believe what you're describing is exactly the same problem. Input image for lighting effects is essentially a height map, which in turn is a special case of 3D displacement map.
256 levels is not a limitation of SVG itself, but a limitation of Inkscape rendering engine. Using more than 8 bits per colour component would help with this problem, but likely would require quite a bit of work.
Niko Kiirala