On 2011-10-23 5:16, ~suv wrote:
On 23/10/11 13:52, perry-dev wrote:
I have one problem related to coordinates. i want to save d attributes in mm unit. ...
This question (as well as several others related to custom modifications of Inkscape) has been asked in the 'Answers' section of Launchpad, where I lately had added these comments:
The SVG specification does not allow units to be used in the 'd' attribute of path definitions.
@all - please clarify in case this summary is not correct.
It's partly correct, the SVG specification indeed does not allow mm's to be used in the d attribute. However, by setting both the width and height, as well as the viewBox attribute on the <svg> tag you can essentially create a coordinate system that coincides with (real) mm's.
Note that if you do this (use width/height + viewBox) you should most definitely NOT use mm's in your document itself, just use pixels. This is because mm in the SVG specification is simply defined as a multiple of px (so if px in your document corresponds to mm in the "real world", then mm in your document no longer corresponds to mm in the real world).