On Sat, 2010-06-19 at 16:01 +0200, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
2010/6/14 Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...>:
Hi all,
I've just been accepted as an "Invited Expert" to the SVG working group
to represent Inkscape's interests in the evolution of the SVG standard. There seems to be a renewed effort to get a new standard out the door. The plan is to publish independently a number of "closely-tied" modules that will be bundled eventually as SVG 2.0. This is your chance to influence what that standard will be. I've started a Wiki page to facilitate this work:
Please add to the page your observations of problems with the current standard and what you want in the future standard.
Power stroke and pattern along path can be a vector effect. In fact, power stroke is a subset of pattern along path.
"Vector Effects" refers to the proposed SVG1.2 like specification, see:
In principle pattern along path can be added to Vector Effects but I am not sure this would happen. And while power stroke could be implemented as a special case of pattern along path there was interest expressed at LGM in being able to animate it which could be much simpler to do than trying to animate pattern along path.
The page says "Firefox and IE will not add support for SVG fonts". I thought that Firefox will add it eventually, just not in the 3.x series. It's required to pass Acid3.
There has been a lot of discussion on the www-svg@...157... mailing list about fonts. SVG fonts may not even be kept in the 2.0 standard (replaced by WOFF). Being required to pass Acid3 isn't enough motivation for Firefox. See comments in bug report (especially comments #49 and #52):