Bob Jamison-2 wrote:
Actually, popt (which we have used for a long time) does handle utf8 (as far as I know), and it does use gettext for error messages.
I know that, I was just speculating on what using GOption would take (but in the wrong tense).
By the way, I forgot to mention I did some tests on Windows: I wrote a test program that reads files from the command line using GOption and then uses g_file_new_for_commandline_arg and queries whether the file exists, then prints the filename and says whether that file was found or not. When I run this program in a directory that contains files with e.g. Cyryllic characters (I have an English version of XP Tablet PC Edition) with a command like "optiontest *", the program will print "not found" for files with Cyryllic letters.
Regards, Krzysztof Kosiński