Johan, I appreciate you understand my needs.
Johan Engelen-4 wrote:
All your arguments need only be slightly modified to argue for exactly the opposite.
Yes, I know. The point is which kind of operation is done more frequently. I always use relative translations and absolute angles: that's because I can translate the canvas but I can't rotate it...
Johan Engelen-4 wrote:
Simply test it to get rid of your rounding error worries, I think you'd have to rotate (and release mouse button) *a lot* :)
Yes, I tried but not *long* enough to be sure that this can be ignored ;) Jokes apart, I make an heavy use of guides for my drawings, also to avoid some Inkscape's bugs (like CTRL dragging, difficoulties in snapping where there are too much sources, alignment of grouped objects in special points, drawing a rectangle of given dimensions(!) or a circle of given radius(!), and so on...). As far as guides are kept precise, I'll be able to overcome Inkscape's deficiences and make precise (enough) drawings.
Johan Engelen-4 wrote:
(Side comment: Inkscape should not be used for precise drawings. I use it for technical drawing too, but would never consider it for drawing technical designs where precision is required.)
I know. I've learned where Inkscape's weaknesses in precision are and try to avoid them. Of course it's not like using a CAD program but actually I don't really need it (and given Inkscape's features, drawings usually end up much nicer!). :)
Johan Engelen-4 wrote:
It is probably a matter of taste, so I'll add a preference for it. (defaulting to 0.48 behavior)
Thanks a lot!