On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Michael Moore wrote:
I was wondering if it'd be possible to use a more Aqua-ish theme for the OSX version in the next release? I think that The Gimp includes a GTK theme which makes it blend in more with the OSX desktop. I believe that an aperance that blends in a bit more would make it more acceptable to OSX users.
I made a screenshot with the Gimp and Inkscape side by side and made some notes on the things I think help the Gimp blend in more. http://www.stuporglue.org/downloads/screenshots/MacishGTK.jpg
Gimp does this by including an OSX GTK theme as part of Gimp.app. I tried this same theme on Inkscape when first creating an OSX app of Inkscape and found it didn't work very well due to us using some different widgets or widgets of different sizes. Thus I decided not to include the theme as part of our official packages.
This could be revisited... Probably this would just need someone to update the theme in some cases to work specifically with Inkscape.
Cheers, Michael