HI Dypso,

afaik there are no C++ 'plugins' in Inkscape. You would have to write it as a compiled-in extension and have it merged and shipped. Alternatively you need to port the code to Python.

Since I have been playing around with C++ extensions in Inkscape for a while, I volunteered for implementing a C++ plugin mechanism during the Inkscape Hackfest in April. We'll see what comes out of that.. ;)

All the best,


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2016-01-29 18:44 GMT+01:00 dypsok@...400... <dypsok@...400...>:
Hi all,
  I recently contact Nathan about this code here : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lib2geom-hackers/lib2geom/trunk/view/head:/src/toys/metro.cpp

 I wanted to work with it : he suggeres me to ask on the mailing list if someone (perhaps jabertxo) could help me to turn it in a plugin...

Does anyone know about this code or could help me with this ?

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

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