On 14/12/10 00:43, Josh Andler wrote:
2010/12/8 Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@...400...>:
Looks like nearly everything is done for 0.48.1 now: https://launchpad.net/inkscape/+milestone/0.48.1
The remaining unclosed issues are minor: 427514 only result in some confusion when working with 2 windows at once, 520521 is a build system improvement and 510618 is a connector-related quirk we can live with for now.
Bug #510618 also affects documents without any connectors. Opening the tutorials for example (which default to open in new windows) immediately dirties the file and prompts new users (trying to learn about Inkscape and first steps) when closing the tutorial window about saving changes even if they only wanted to read the introduction.
AFAIU it is not just a 'connector-related quirk'. After the commits for the text tool improvements, the entry in the undo history is no longer from the connector code in 'src/widgets/toolbox.cpp' but from the text tool. There seems something unintended going on when initializing new windows for newly opened documents (i.e. without reusing the current document window with an unchanged copy of the default template). And it does or can affect the initial rendering / routing of existing connectors (but not with every file).
Bug #510618 “Closing unchanged SVG asks for saving” https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/510618
There's also the bezier stamping regression, but I don't think the feature is used often enough to warrant further delay; the same effect can also be achieved with some more work using Ctrl+D.
Is there anything else holding up the release 0.48.1? There are several important bugs fixed in it, so I think it's important to push it out as soon as possible.
I believe it's pretty close, however, I seem to recall Jon thinking that there still might be tablet issues on Windows. I don't know that it's a blocker for 0.48.1 as I'm game for us to go for a 0.48.2 if people would be interested. 0.49 is somewhat slow going, so I think we may want to revisit what the goals of it will end up being as well a potential target timeframe for that release. Additionally, we really should take the time to revisit the roadmap and do some long term planning (including if we want to revisit the version numbering system).
Jon, any thoughts? What about you su-v?
a) Proposing to get 0.48.1 out as soon as possible.
b) Proposing to aim for 0.48.2 as second bug fix release.
No new features, and only if it is possible with reasonable efforts to handle two increasingly diverging branches, especially after the merge of the C++ification GSoC project to trunk (which AFAIU could make it more difficult to backport bug fixes from trunk to 0.48.x):
Issues I could imagine being addressed with 0.48.2 (cherry-picked based mainly on recurring support questions and duplicates filed in the bug tracker [1]):
- tablet configuration: seems to still have issues, mainly on Windows - node tool: fix bugs, regressions and implement missing features [2] - various issues after resizing page or changing its orientation: -- connectors + groups + transforms -- clones + groups + transforms -- 3dbox + groups + transforms -- extensions + groups + transforms (perspective, envelope) - CSS: class attribute not saved in plain svg - selection glitch with clips & masks - clipboard: use internal renderer not Cairo PNG for system clipboard - align (not average) nodes (as in 0.47) - connectors: crashes, displacement under various circumstances - linked offsets (merge proposal) - precision of numerical transforms (toolbar, transform dialog) - trace bitmap preview broken on Windows - SVG: fix <symbol> in PDF export
c) Inkscape 0.49 / revisit roadmap
Features I could imagine being addressed for 0.49 (besides merging the Cairo renderer & implementing a configurable coordinate system [3]; not based on any existing, official roadmap but cherry-picked from bug reports/feature requests and user requests/questions in support forums or on irc):
- SVG: image links: fix (optional) relative linking - UI: image properties dialog enhancements (blueprint + branch) - UI: redesign export dialog (blueprint save vs export, GSoC 2010): - support selection/custom for vector formats, - extended support for raster graphics formats - UI: new from template (blueprint) - UI: redesign tiled clones dialog (spec available) - UI: redesign filter editor, custom filter effects (blueprint) - crop: razor tool for vectors, crop for embedded raster graphics - fonts: font substitution (manager) - PDF/SVG import - fonts: import text as path - PDF import - LPE: technical drawing tools, powerstroke - LPE: pattern along path: implement ribbon mode - LPE: better UI for envelope and lattice deformation - LPE: add perspective transform - CSS: extended CSS support (external and multiple style sheets) - SVG: full support of viewBox attribute (GUI options) - SVG: embedded fonts / glyphs support - SVG: support references to external files for <use> objects aka clones as basis for object libraries (for shapes, stencils, symbols etc) - SVG: support linking SVG files as images on all platforms
[1] links to related bug reports on request
[2] compiled list of the reported issues from various places (inkscape-devel, bug tracker, user reports/questions) is on my todo list; will post it as soon as possible
[3] IMHO it is crucial to make this configurable, else Inkscape will shut out major user groups (technical drawings, diagrams / function plots for scientific publications, possibly font design, etc.), which haven't been vocal in the recent discussions because they are not aware of planned changes to just switch the coordinate system (to accommodate the (IMHO) more vocal web design community).